In my research, I needed to use nonparametric sampling methods recently. I needed to draw samples from the distribution of my data. I could not use the classic bootstrapping methods with replacement because I had a small number of observations, e.g. 20. Thus, I estimated the density of my data and draw samples from the estimated probability density function. Here is a simple illustration in R.
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Brisbane, Avustralya Notları
Sürdürülebilirlik, Planlama ve Çevre
Queensland Üniversitesi‘ne (The University of Queensland) Victor Chernozhukov‘un Double Machine Learning isimli metodolojisi üzerine çalışmak üzere geldim (Yakın zamanda yaptığım bu çalışmayı ve detaylarını buradan paylaşacağım.). Burada geçirdiğim yaklaşık 2 aylık süre boyunca Avustralya ve özelde Brisbane şehri hakkında birçok tecrübem oldu. Bu yazıda genelden özele doğru dikkatimi çeken hususlarda aldığım notları paylaşacağım.
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Kitap Notu - The Ways of Paradox and Other Essays
Willard Van Orman Quine
Aşağıdaki yazıWillard Van Orman Quine‘in The Ways of Paradox and Other Essays isimli kitabının ilk bölümünü okurken aldığım notlardır.
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Tuning ML Hyperparameters - LASSO and Ridge Examples
As far as I see in articles and in Kaggle competitions, people do not bother to regularize hyperparameters of ML algorithms, except of neural networks. One tests several ML algorithms and pick up the best using cross-validation or other methods.
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Preprocessing for Neural Networks - Normalization Techniques
Scaling, standardization, and so on
I mentioned about a critical preprocessing tool for Lasso in my last post. Today I will write about preprocessing for Neural Networks.
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