Reducing Matrix Computation Time in R

Using sparseMatrix from Matrix package

In order to increase computation time, I transformed loops into matrix operations in an algorithm. Nevertheless, my matrices were extremely large, and thus computation was slower than I expected. I was using the %*% operator in R to do matrix multiplication. I found out that it is not possible to achieve dramatically faster computations with other background programming languages (e.g., using Rcppor JuliaCall). I tried and failed. [Read More]

Lazy (Deferred) Loading YouTube Videos in Jekyll Posts

A JavaScript for Easy Embedding Youtube Videos

I noticed that my Jekyll posts with YouTube videos open very slow. I checked and got 30/100 score for video-embedded posts. Using the script in this repository, I created a simple method that easily embeds YouTube videos into Jekyll posts. With this lazy-loading script, my posts get 71/100 score. It is easy to implement and use. [Read More]

Elevations of a Polygon - A Python Script

A Python script to generate mesh grid of a polygon and retrive elevation data from

The purpose of this script is to generate a mesh grid within a Polygon. The coordinates of the mesh grid is then used to get elevation data from a public API: The script can be easly adjusted for other APIs. The output of the script are (1) the coordinates within the polygon and (2) elevations of the coordinates. Data can be used for various purposes. The script can be found in my repository: PolygonElevations. The script file is: [Read More]