Faster R Codes with ChatGPT

ChatGPT examples

I shared an example way of using ChatGPT earlier this week. Here is another one to increase the efficiency of a simple R code. In terms of speed gains, R often exhibits significant variation compared to Python. Sometimes it is extremely slow… I often try to find the most efficient way. So, [Read More]

Critical CART Hyperparameters in Synthpop

Creating Synthetic Data with R

I have been working on a project to create synthetic data for a long while. I have realized that the synthpop package was producing identical values, whereas it was supposed to be producing values from a predictive posterior distribution. I have been using the CART algorithm for its flexibility, but the model must be overfitting, even though I do not have too many variables. So, how can one prevent creating identical values? The answer was given in the article: “synthpop: An R package for generating synthetic versions of sensitive microdata for statistical disclosure control”. [Read More]